These reading plans are designed to encourage you to consistently spend time in Scripture, so it becomes a life-giving habit!

What are the different plans?

  • The Story Bible Reading Plan is a collection of stories illustrating God’s character and His desire to be reconciled with the souls He created. The Story Plan summarizes the Bible’s key accounts, highlighting the events and people that played a part in God’s story of redemption.

  • The Whole Bible Reading Plan combines two readings every day, typically an Old and a New Testament passage, walking you through the entire Bible.

  • The Chronological Bible Reading Plan follows the story of how God rescued humanity through Jesus in the order that it happened. 

  • 40 Days With Jesus Bible Reading Plan is designed to lead you through the Bible in 40 days on a journey to better understand Jesus.

How do I join the plan?

Here’s how to get the most out of your Bible reading:

Use this acrostic for the word HEAR to experience God through His Word.
H = Highlight
What verse(s) stood out to you in your reading?
E = Explain
What is the author’s intended meaning in the context of the passage?
A = Apply
What is the principle to live by today?
R = Respond
How will I respond to the application in my relationships and/or situations this week?

LIFE Journal Helps

Use these LIFE Journal Helps (aka recommended resources) to help you understand and apply what you read in the Bible.

  • You Version Bible App - An app with daily video teachings on the Verse of the Day, Daily Guided Prayer, Bible Translations, Video Teachings/Resources, Share and Create Bible Images, and Bible Reading Plans. All these helpful resources and more are best accessed through their website or app.

  • Through The Word - An app with audio commentary on each chapter of the Bible to help you understand what you read. These audio commentaries are best accessed through their app.

  • The Bible Recap - Short audio podcasts to help you understand each chapter in the Bible. Many episodes talk about multiple chapters. You may need to skip around because the podcast was made chronologically vs book order. These are best accessed through your favorite podcast app.